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Attention all Upland Game hunters!
I started hunting in WY. back in 1997 and started hunting big game and birds on Walk In areas shortly after that and they seem to work pretty well. So far the clubs have stayed away in the areas we hunt, but some leases have been made on some choice river bottom land from several people back East for the White Tail hunting. I know several of the ranchers who are in the Walk In program and I think it is a good deal for them. I have also hunted Elk in Montana on a similar program that I believe is called Block Management lands. They seem to be a little more strict with their access rules but I was still able to hunt some good ground and met some great people who were in the program. I would like to see Utah pick up more land. I use to belong to a Hunting club (Western Outdoorsman) and later United Sportsman but the dues got to expensive so that's when we started going out of state. Even with the higher license fees it was still cheaper than paying my annual dues here for my wife and I.

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Re: [fishinfool] Attention all Upland Game hunters! - by MRCRESTLINER - 09-15-2008, 11:47 AM

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