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11 Mile Res..... Salmon
save your time and money go to the western slope and fish the gunnison, and east rivers... but be careful, here is the word for word law:

From East and Taylor rivers downstream to standing water line of Blue Mesa Res., including tributary
canals and diversions:
a. Taking kokanee prohibited Aug. 1-Oct. 31.
b. Snagging kokanee permitted Nov. 1-Dec. 31.

East river:
East River - Gunnison County
From upstream boundary at Roaring Judy SFU downstream to Taylor River:
a. Artificial flies only.
b. Bag and possession limit and min. size for trout is 2 under 12 inches long.
c. Taking kokanee prohibited.
From Roaring Judy Hatchery outlet downstream to Roaring Judy SFU boundary:
a. Fishing prohibited Aug. 1-Oct. 31.

Messages In This Thread
11 Mile Res..... Salmon - by Catfishgitter - 09-12-2008, 01:44 PM
Re: [DonInDenver] 11 Mile Res..... Salmon - by kochanut - 09-17-2008, 05:10 AM

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