08-10-2001, 09:13 AM
witchDoc U an CatfishHunter kin eat all them u want...i rate them with koons n possum`s....course their`s sum out there that eat`em both....i`ve heard dim gars R bony as u no what...<br>i put them with da MUDfish...back N da water with their throats cut....TRASH fish BOTH....they eat dim BABY game fish up....WitchDoC i C your frum west central fla. i`m outa north east polk Co.....an while i`m here what`s up with da <br>anonyMOUSE future bassmaster champion?ashamed 2 let us no who that might B?....and MJB if ya read this whats up with BIGfish and their orderin procedure? ant Cn nutin good on it yet....guess i`ll stick 2 my local bait shop(wally world).....<br>I think da question should have bin"Who ANT goin fishin"?<br>U all Bsafe!..................C-Ya!.............<br><br>