09-30-2008, 05:53 PM
have you looked into TFO's min magnum rod.. its a shorter rod (touted to be great for the tube). .. it is a little stiffer so it can handle heavier lines/flies and bigger fish such as pike etc... even though it is a little heavier it is also touted to be a very good rod for smaller fish such as trout and bass.. line for it is between 300 - 400 grains .. just might be a vialble option for your..
here is a picture of a fish caught by one of TFO's staffers (Brandon) using the mini magnum..
[left][inline SanBrunoDorado.jpg]
MacFly [cool]
here is a picture of a fish caught by one of TFO's staffers (Brandon) using the mini magnum..
[left][inline SanBrunoDorado.jpg]
MacFly [cool]