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Spider Bull is dead!! This time for REAL!
It's official. Spidey has fallen to Mr. Aulstead's muzzleloader on his 2ND chance at him. The first time he missed him at 190 yds and unbelievably he got a second chance recently and connected.
Spidey has been chased since the first of august and eluded hundreds of people, trail cams, and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Goes to show you how hard these animals can be to find and hunt. He has been green scored(gross) at 498"!!! He should net around 450" to 460". Kind of Sad to see him killed, but it was only a matter of time. Hopefully he got enough cows in the sac to make more little spidey bulls for me to hunt when i finally draw the tag.[cool]

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Spider Bull is dead!! This time for REAL! - by lunkerhunter2 - 09-30-2008, 06:17 PM

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