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Strawberry was a bit wet today... 55.3f
From your post it sounds like you are trolling. If you are, stop!! This time of year the best way to fish that lake is not to troll. You had the right idea with tube jigs though. Fish in 5 to 30 ft of water. You can cast those jigs and jig them back real slowly or you can jig them vertically. Also, a great way to fish this time of year is a nightcrawler or frozen minnow suspended a couple feet below a bobber or throwing them out with no weight and letting them sink slowly. BTW- way to go out and brave the elements. Some of my best days have been in bad weather up there. Then again some of my best days up there have been blue bird sunny days with a glassy lake all day.

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Re: [LuvThemCuts] Strawberry was a bit wet today... 55.3f - by Igottabigone - 10-05-2008, 03:59 PM

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