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A couple more questions?
OK Sorry for the late reply took some time to really try to nail down your question concerning Private land access:

Theres DWR's Take on it:

The best indicator of the ordinary high water mark is the vegetative line on the banks of a water body where topsoil, grass, shrubs, and trees occur in a manner consistent with an area that is not routinely flooded.
[ul][li]A word of caution — Since the Court did not specifically define the term "bed," law enforcement agencies across the state may interpret bed more narrowly to include only that portion of the bed actually covered with water.[/li][li]Activity outside the ordinary high water mark — The Supreme Court did not find or conclude that the easement allows the public to leave the surface or bed of the water body on private property without permission of the landowner.[/li][/ul]To read the entire body of the report:

I also spoke with a summit county sheriff while I was fishing the Weber near Wanship and his take on it was
Walking along the riverbed and the high water is ok some shore access it also allowable but if it taped off or fenced off then you are trespassing

Messages In This Thread
A couple more questions? - by kngfish - 10-12-2008, 12:32 AM
Re: [kngfish] A couple more questions? - by sinergy - 10-13-2008, 06:03 PM

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