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What a day at the Berry!!
I have been kicking my self this month!! I told myself this whole summer that come October/November, I would be up at Strawberry for the fantastic fall fishing. I was lcky enough to get up there this morning with luvthemcutts and Rapalahunter. He was a gracious host and has a SWEET berry boat! The trip almost didnt happen several times this week but as of last night it was ON!!!
We didnt have a definate plan so I was a little worried but with some help from bassrods, we decide to fish water under 20 feet deep. We were not disappointed. We started catching fish right off the ramp and it was HOT for the next hour there and around the lake on the Strawberry side.
Heres what we did;
Rapalahunter: 8 fish, 4 over 22.
Luvthemcutts: 9 fish, 3 over 22.
WW: 8 fish, 3 over 22.

Luvthemcutts had a bruiser and I got a nice one I may end up mounting. Went 24 inches and 5 pounds. I know that seems hard to believe for a strawberry cutt but we had him weighed at the marina. PM me if you know a good Taxidermist. Here are some pics.

Fish were caught on luckycrafts, tubejigs and a sweet white fly that luvthemcutts had. Dont know what its called. Maybe he does.

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What a day at the Berry!! - by Weekend_Warrior - 10-18-2008, 05:04 AM

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