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Tippy Dam Report for Oct 15
if going up and ya dont know your way around Bay City take another rout cause I-75 is closed at bay city....

aside from taking a 4 hour deture it was in all a fairly deacent trip.

leaving at 2 pm we arived at 11:30 pm

ya we did some stopping along the way. we werent trying to set no land speed records....

We stopped at Andy's Tackle Shop on the way in. he had been cleaned of most of his line. and as merphies law goes, I stripped my reels so I could pick up some fresh line when I got up there... "go figures"[:p] I ended up putting on 14 pound test line.

we fished from mid night to 6 am, hooking on to countless Kings, landing nothing but one small jack. wich I did keep for the dinner table.

there was one hookup that was worth remembering tho all were a pleasure, I must have gotten my knots right and did every thing right on this one, cause I hooked on to a wopper! My fishing bud whent to net it but once it saw the net it did not want any thing to do with being landed. it took off for what had seemed to be an eturnity, a womping hour and a half... In that time I got him close enough to land 3 times, but with out proper lighting netting a fish 10 feet below the rail was difficult at best.

the other two times I had gotten the fish in, my bud could not see the fish, tho I knew it was right below him, I could see the line there... then the fish headed down stream where we played tug-a-war for the next hour...

my bud holding on to the net for an hour and a half finaly threw the net down and went back to fishing

and yet, I held on,

I had no idea what was going to give out first, the fish me or the line, tho I was determined not to give up and was hopin it would be the fish but alas it was the line by the aid of a twig in the water. I heard it snap, and twang it was gone.

I know it was a twig cause I pulled it in....

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Tippy Dam Report for Oct 15 - by davetclown - 10-21-2008, 06:56 PM

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