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I have a question regarding a fishing rod. ( for freshwater )
Hi, Roxane,

While others have answered your equipment question, I'll take a stab at your other one.

Spinning is easy to learn. It is, in fact, the easiest of the conventional methods. Reason for this is that backlashing is almost impossible; distances of any kind can be easily achieved; and you have the most versitility in terms of bait sizes and styles.

The only downside is that you give up the pin-point accuracy of baitcasting. But that's rarely a problem.

To see why spinning is so simple grap a spool of thread. Grasp it with one finger on each side, in the holes. Now pull the thread. You have to overcome the inertial of the thread spool going out, and stop its momentum at the end of a cast.

Now turn the thread so you're holding it by one flange, and pull the thread off the other end. See how much easier that happens? And, because there is no momentum of a rotating spool to stop, you don't get backlashes.

Spinning is really the best way for a beginner to go.


Messages In This Thread
Re: [Roxanne] I have a question regarding a fishing rod. ( for freshwater ) - by Brook - 10-26-2008, 12:51 PM

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