11-04-2008, 07:58 PM
Dunno how you'd do it but if you can learn what happened at Comins lake when pike were introduced back in the 70's it would enlighten you on why I'm so against putting them elsewhere. From memory, it happened something like this. They completely overwhelmed their forage base (chubs) and starved. A fortunate drought dried up the lake & wiped the pike out. The Nev. Fish & Game bought the 3C ranch which had the water rights to both Comins Lake & Steptoe Creek which is diverted to feed Comins. Now a constant lake level is maintained and a fantastic trout fishery got started. Then some clown went to Basset Lake, caught some pike & bucketed them to Comins. That stupid asinine act has about ruined the trout fishery. About all a trout stocking at Comins does now is feed that a--holes pet pike.