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Gun owners fret Obama White House
That's my whole point they already learned from the Brady Bill experience. Clinton was trying to be seen tough on crime in making it a little tougher for criminals to get guns. NRA didn't want any restrictions even if it meant easier access for criminals. The NRA extracted a huge price on the Democrats at the next election. The law stands with the instant checks in place of the 5 day wait. They're all politicians, they won't introduce new federal laws on guns even if they truly believe in them because they know their party will pay at the next election. While gun control won't make the the top 5 list of most Americans they know that there is a significant minority like you that it is the most important issue. I'll pay for that ticket to Mexico if new Federal Laws restricts guns next year. How's your Spanish and Visa application coming anyway[Wink].

Messages In This Thread
Gun owners fret Obama White House - by tomc - 11-01-2008, 10:25 PM
Re: [lunkerhunter2] Gun owners fret Obama White House - by riverdog - 11-06-2008, 03:02 AM

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