11-09-2008, 01:51 PM
Chartreuse has always been my go-to color, for overall attractiveness.
But you're so right about red, particularly when tied in at the gills position. It's almost as strong a trigger as eyes.
Just think of all the old wet-fly patterns that used red. Probably more of them than all others combined.
With any sort of fly that involves tying in behind the head (i.e., Thunder Creek or other reverse-tied streamers, my own Round Head, Bullet Heads, etc.), I always change to red thread for that final tie-down. And I use red thread for Clousers and other bead-, cone-, and dumbell-eyed flies, with my final whip behind the head. It's a perfect simulation of gills.
In the old days I almost always used red---in whole or in part---for tails. F'rinstance, when tying wooly worms (anybody besides me remember them?), no matter the body and hackle colors, the tails were always red.
For some reason I've gotten away from it, but I can't explain why.