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Over-the-limit Rufus Woods fisherman forfeits boat
OLYMPIA - A Rufus Woods Lake fisherman cited earlier this year for too many fish in his daily catch recently forfeited his boat and other equipment to the state.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) officers cited Pedro Martinez, 46, of Moses Lake on two counts July 26 at Rufus Woods Lake on the Okanogan-Douglas county line in north central Washington. Martinez was cited for possessing 13 rainbow trout-11 over the legal daily catch limit of two-and for failing to display his catch for inspection to officers when requested.

The criminal violations cost Martinez a $250 fine and the loss of his boat, boat motor, boat trailer, cooler, and fishing rod and reel.

A Washington state hearings officer recently finalized the forfeiture of the equipment, valued at an estimated $2,500.

"This case is a good example of how a fish and wildlife violation can end up costing much more than a standard fine," said WDFW Sgt. Jim Brown of Okanogan. "Loss of equipment for serious intentional violations is a strong deterrent to others."

Brown credits other arrests to concerned anglers who are reporting violations they see by cell phone to WDFW's poaching hotline (877-933-9847) and then testifying to their observations.


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Over-the-limit Rufus Woods fisherman forfeits boat - by FishNews - 12-14-2008, 12:10 PM

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