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Evansville Fishing Opportunity
Blue Grass now open to carry-in boats<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>Property hunting guidelines announced<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br><br>If you can carry your boat, you can launch it starting Sept. 1 at the<br>Department of Natural Resources' Blue Grass Fish and Wildlife Area near<br>Evansville.<br><br>The new Blue Grass Fish and Wildlife Area, which opened to the public last<br>fall, was previously closed to boats. Carry-in boats such as canoes, kayaks<br>and float tubes will now be permitted. Motors are limited to electric<br>only. Trailer launching of boats will be prohibited until ramps are<br>constructed. Ramp construction will begin in September.<br><br>Additional property use rules will be in effect this fall to lessen<br>conflicts between activities on the popular recreational area:<br><br>- Blue Grass FWA will be closed to all waterfowl hunting from September 1 -<br>16, 2001 (early goose and teal seasons).<br><br>- During late waterfowl seasons, waterfowl hunting will be allowed from one<br>half hour before sunrise to noon (local time), on Saturday, Monday,<br>Wednesday and Friday.<br><br>- Small game and dove hunting will be permitted on Sunday, Tuesday and<br>Thursday during legal hunting hours.<br><br>- Deer hunting will be allowed every day during deer season.<br><br>More information and a map of Blue Grass FWA is available at:<br><br><br>For more information on Blue Grass FWA, call (812) 789-2724.<br><br>------------------------------------------<br>Media contact:<br>Nate Levitte, property manager<br>(812) 789-2724<br><br>Downloadable, printable photographs<br>of Blue Grass FWA are available at:<br><br>------------------------------------------<br><br>================================================<br>PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE<br>Wild Bulletin provides information about Indiana's natural resources and<br>recreation. To subscribe to Wild Bulletin go to:<br><br><br>Visit the DNR Division of Fish and Wildlife website at:<br><br><br><br>

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Evansville Fishing Opportunity - by robert0720 - 08-16-2001, 02:07 PM

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