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Your Moderators blunder at Port Aransas Tournament!
Well Dave,
It seems that unless other members have any pic's of the event there will be none posted. Windy and I used all the Kodak Film durring the previous week. We picked up more film from A local shop. It was Poloroid film. When Windy Took the film in to be developed, every roll came back blank. There was 4 rolls of film and over 100 shots taken. Not a single picture came out of that Poloroid film.

Next spring there will be only Kodak film and more 35mm cams in use to assure that this will not happen again. I did pick up a new digital that seems to work perty good. If it passes the test of time it also will be there for some fast uploading of the pic's of the event.

Windy does have a digital like yours Dave. She filled it up on Bird wtching one day and has not downloaded the pic's yet.

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Re: [davetclown] Your Moderators blunder at Port Aransas Tournament! - by ssor - 05-22-2003, 08:43 PM

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