01-04-2009, 12:13 AM
Since we (cousin and I) hadn't been out ice fishing yet this season and were both getting getting cabin fever, we decided to brave the elements even with the crummy weather report for Friday night and head out to the Berry. I read up on a few Strawberry posts and we decided that we would hit the marina, then walk south and west to a couple of places we have fished in the past. (Notice I said WALK, since we haven't got the snowmobile going yet this year...doh!). I noticed in Kent's post that he said a lot of fish were shallow, and to reel up to them when seen on the fishfinder. We ended up with 18 fish in about 3 hours, and missed a lot more, and MOST were caught about 10 to 15 feet below the ice shack, SIGHT FISHING thru the iceholes! What a blast! We also had our fish TV going and our sonar...I'd say we got to play with darn near every fish that came around! All cutts, only one at 22 inches, the rest all in the slot. No pics. Was grateful for the ice shack...and our HEATER as the wind was cold cold cold. It was very good to get out today! We were fishing in 27 feet of water, and not very many were caught on the bottom. Most of the time when one fish came around, another was very close.
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.