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Winter fishing is plentiful in idaho
Despite fishing closing on some streams for the winter, most lakes, ponds and reservoirs and some rivers and streams are open all year.

In some parts of the state it gets cold enough for ice-fishing.

Anglers must use their own discretion when deciding whether or not the ice is thick enough for ice-fishing. Four inches of solid ice - not mushy or porous - is generally considered safe for anglers. Early season ice anglers should check ice before walking far from shore. Drill a hole and measure thickness.

Fish with a partner, take extra dry clothes and take a throw rope along just in case. The last reservoirs to form safe ice are those on the main stem Bear and Snake rivers. Anglers should wait until later in the winter to fish these.<br />
Anglers also should pay attention to weather trends. If the weather warms up, ice may become less safe for fishing.

Man-made structures used to transport water for irrigation or hydro-power are open all year. Small, unnamed irrigation diversion ponds, beaver ponds and mill ponds have the same season as the river or stream on which they are located.

But many rivers and streams are closed during the winter, opening Saturday of Memorial Day weekend through November 30. In 2009 that means they open May 23.

There are some notable exceptions:

Winter stream season runs from December 1 to March 31. Trout is catch-and-release only. Whitefish and brook trout may be taken during winter stream seasons. Fishing gear or bait restrictions that apply to a river or stream section during the general season also apply during the winter stream season.

See regional exceptions in the 2009 fishing rules book for waters open to winter stream fishing.

Family fishing waters are open all year. These water and simplified rules are designed to be easy to use and provide settings for a great fishing trip for families, kids and first-time anglers. The limit is six trout and six bass, with no limit on other species. No length limits and standard fishing gear includes the use of a hook and line to catch fish. May also include the use of a rod and reel.

Spring steelhead season runs through April 30, on the Salmon, Snake, and Clearwater rivers, with some exceptions.

On the Salmon River from Lake Creek Bridge to Long Tom Creek, about a quarter mile upstream of the Middle Fork, the season ends March 31.

On the Little Salmon River the season runs through May 15.

On the Snake River from Hells Canyon Dam upstream to Oxbow Dam, and on the Boise River the season ends May 31.


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Winter fishing is plentiful in idaho - by FishNews - 01-08-2009, 12:10 PM

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