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To book, or not to book ?
well i hear ya guy, but it,s funny, i never realized there wer game farms, where they grew em. i never heard of such a thing. that to me is like havin a herford for a pet then feedin him one day and just shootin him. i guess now that i,ve got older i can,t do that haha i worked on a farm all my life loved it and had a white brown swiss nad loved him came home and he was gone. he foolowe played with laddie john my dog and me too. i guess after that, i can,t feed em anymore cause i see their personality too much and fall in love. haha gittin soft in my old age. haha but i love beef. that,s the way i,d feel bout watchin a fawn grow, feein it PLAYIN every day and then one day breakin his trust love and shootin it. i couldn,t do it. it is a pet to me. and i love deermeat. if i,m goin to shoot him i want him to live free grow free and him have a sportin chance to survive. his skill against mine and my choice whether to shoot or not. i guess like when gramp took calvin coolidge out up in strafford they didn,t feed em. it was the sport of it . i just can,t see where the sport is in killin an animal or the pride is in shootin it. or theRESPECT! OF MYSELF OR FOR THE ANIMAL. YEAH DON,T GIT MAD AT ME EITHER THIS IS MINE TOO.HAHA GRAMP USE TO USE DOGS BLACK AND TANS FOR HIS BEAR. NOBODY USES EM ANYMORE. THAT USE TO BE A BIG THING HERE IN VERMONT TOO BACK IN THE OLD DAYS. GRAMP WAS THE MAIN GUIDE AROUND HERE AND WAS KNOWN FOR HIS DOGS. I GOT PICTUES OF GRAMP AND SOME OF THE BEAR HE GOT TOO. IT,S [cool] TO LOOK BACK. YA THE GOOD OL DAYS. ME AND GRAMP.[Smile][cool][laugh]

Messages In This Thread
To book, or not to book ? - by Flagmanonice - 05-20-2003, 11:37 PM
Re: [Flagmanonice] To book, or not to book ? - by lou - 05-26-2003, 01:13 PM

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