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Ode to Sturgeonkid and Tube Dude
I've heard of that before, wacky rig or something like that. I've read that some guys will thread on one senko normal style and then put on another wacky style so that it makes a "t" when fished.

Even at 2-3 LM, I still have a lot of room to catch up to you! Even if the fish are in your imagination[Wink]. Every time I tie a new fly I have caught a least a dozen fish with it before it even leaves the flytying table. Unlike your fraternity brother, I believe you that you did catch those babies[cool].


Messages In This Thread
Ode to Sturgeonkid and Tube Dude - by EmuScud - 05-26-2003, 03:11 PM
Re: [DH_tubinjoe] Ode to Sturgeonkid and Tube Dude - by EmuScud - 05-27-2003, 02:18 AM

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