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Fish Lake - Splake Valhalla
Make the trip down to Fish Lake this morning. The weather was balmy with no clouds or wind. Arrived a 8:15 and parked near the south boat launch. We made our way onto the ice and headed out to the east. As forewarned, it was extremely slick. Thanks to the BFTer that recommended the clipped off cup-hooks in the boot sole trick. It worked great. My fishing partner, Kevin used the strap-on cleats - I think my cup-hooks worked even better. No banged heads or broken legs to thwart our efforts.
We fished in 40 feet just off the weed line and caught splake and bows almost as fast as we could get the line in the water. I used a pearl tube jig and Kevin an orange tube jig with chartreuse flagella both tipped with meal worm or perch meat. I'm not sure it really mattered, however. When we first got on the ice, I realized I had left the bait in the cooler at the truck. While I went back for bait, Kevin put down a jig that still had a dried up meal worm from last Saturday. He had a nice bow flopping on the ice when I returned.
We fished until 1:00 and then listened to BYU get murdered in the Pit on the way home.

Messages In This Thread
Fish Lake - Splake Valhalla - by brookie - 01-18-2009, 12:37 AM
Re: Fish Lake - Splake Valhalla - by JeepNut - 01-18-2009, 02:28 PM

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