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Bear Lake cutthroat, whitefish and cisco 1/19/2009
Well the cisco weren't running on Monday morning, so we launched the boat at 9:00am at the pump house from shore (yes, you need waders here) and then we headed out into a pea-soup fog about 100 yards. We couldn't see shore, but when we hit 26' feet we anchored and the catching began. Between 3 of us we caught 6 cutthroat (all > 3lbs and one that went 6lbs and about 27"), 6 whitefish, and 6 cisco in about 2.5hrs. The fishing was great. The whitefish were caught on jigging spoons tipped with eggs and cutts were caught on tubes tipped with cisco. No pics since we didn't have a camera. By the time we headed in the pea soup burned off a little bit, but not much. [#ff4040]If you come up bring a compass or GPS, you are gonna need it if the fog sticks around![/#ff4040]

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Bear Lake cutthroat, whitefish and cisco 1/19/2009 - by BearLakeFishGuy - 01-20-2009, 04:25 PM

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