01-22-2009, 01:03 AM
Here's my late report on our trip to Fish Lake last week end. We arrived late Saturday afternoon and checked in to the cabin we had rented. After that I fished for an hour or so directly in front of the lodge and managed to catch a lot of perch but nothing else. The next morning we fished the south end with limited success. We caught 4 or 5 splake and more perch. That afternoon we tried in front of the lodge again and caught more perch and a few very small perch. Monday we gave it another shot at the south end and found the right spot. Action was steady for splake and one rainbow. The key seemed to be slow jigging and definetly having perch meat on the jig.
As others have mentioned the ice is very slick and cleats are very helpful.
As others have mentioned the ice is very slick and cleats are very helpful.