01-23-2009, 04:15 PM
Kentofnsl wrote " I did not vote for Obama, but wish him nothing but the best as our new president."
Good for you. I didn't vote for Bush but I would never insult him or make crude jokes about him. Even though I didn't like how he did things he was still my president and still deserves respect as far as one human being to another.
This presidency will bring out the best of some and the worst of others like no other time in our country. I could care less what our presedent looks like versus how he runs our country.
I am not affiliated with any party but vote with my heart and gut. No matter your political views, have some respect for the office of the president and If you disagree with the way things are, then make your view know by rational thought and actions not degrading comments.
Sorry I'm ranting now![
Good for you. I didn't vote for Bush but I would never insult him or make crude jokes about him. Even though I didn't like how he did things he was still my president and still deserves respect as far as one human being to another.
This presidency will bring out the best of some and the worst of others like no other time in our country. I could care less what our presedent looks like versus how he runs our country.
I am not affiliated with any party but vote with my heart and gut. No matter your political views, have some respect for the office of the president and If you disagree with the way things are, then make your view know by rational thought and actions not degrading comments.
Sorry I'm ranting now