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Your Moderators blunder at Port Aransas Tournament!
HIHIHIHIHI SSOR!!how ya doin??? hope all is well with ya. that,s too bad bout the pictures, but accidents happen. i just got jack a sony 3 year old video cam but the guy who had it only used it a few times. needed the money more i guess cause it had the BIG 14 HR battrey and the little one a big solid case the charger that fit both and takes beautiful digital pictures. he,s had more fun with it. taken his w daughters grad. pictures, video i keep wantin to say pictures and its not, haha well anywasy got me singin and my voy down the top hat. and that,s cool!! ya take care and say howdo when ya can ok??? mare later [Smile][Wink][cool][laugh]

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Re: [ssor] Your Moderators blunder at Port Aransas Tournament! - by lou - 05-29-2003, 12:46 AM

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