01-25-2009, 10:50 PM
Wife and I headed to Pelican Friday morning fighting slippery roads and fog. Breakfast at Cowens with friends in Duchesne and then on to Roosevelt where we visited with friends that allow us to hunt their ground for turkey, with a promise that they would have fresh fish fillets upon our return from Pelican that evening. We arrived at the Lake to sunshine and 36 degree weather. We landed 50 to 60 gills and 1/2 dozen bass with the wife's measuring 17 1/2 with no Bass Rods around it went into the bucket, we kept enough fish for our friends in Roosevelt and returned Sat. Morning after a night of freezing rain with very slippery roads getting to the lake, missed one stop sign that we slid thru but I promise to stop twice there next trip. The Sun poked thru about 10 or so to another beautiful day in the mid 30's we iced probably another 60 to 70 gills along with a few bass. Kept our 40 and headed back to the Motel. Gills averaged 8 1/2 inches with very few if any of the parasites in the meat like TD had stated earlier.