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Trying to learn to crappie fish
Hi There Im In South Carolina An I Live Next To A Creek You Can Walk Across It In Alota Places An Never Get Your Nees Wet It Flows Into The Savana River The Crappy Will Spawn Soon Never Know Fer Shure Witch Week They Will Peek Out But There Are Places Witch Are Id Gess 7 or 8 Ft Deep In It An At Most Its 25 To 30 Ft Wide Shure Wish You Could Be Here Wif Me Use To No One Ever Fished It You Would See The Same 2 Or 3 Guys Year From Year An 1 Or 2 Of Them Would Be Wif Me An That Jus Left That Outher Guy Year After Year Not Eaven My Brother Are Sis Would Dare Go Down To That Paluted Ole Horse Creek An There Dire Fishin Folks Worse Than I Yet That Was 30 Years Ago An Thangs Chang As Dose The Spown It Never Seemed To Matter Wat You Throwed At Um Ifin It Glissend Or Wiggeld Or Hopped Jus The Slites Little Twich Set Them Of But Yet The Biggest Key Was To Find Them You Could Stand Bye Me Bein The Gentaman You Are An Give Me Squraters Rights Castin Ten Fet Away An Never Get A Strike Witch Ive Seen Time An Time Again To Outhers Amasmet Iv Eaven Backed Away An Given Them My Rod An That Dosent Fix The Problem Fer Thim EatherFor My Rell Is Desind For 6 lb Line An Spolled With 4 Man How I Loved Those 7 Doller 304s Who Was It That Made Those Cant Remeber Fer Shure But Boy They Held 4 Lb Line Great Fer A Cheep 6 Lb Real Anyway The Retrivel Is Whats The Key An All That Extra Line Has More Than One Adfatige As Im Shure All Know I Use A 1\32 Crappy Jig Color Well That Will Be WITE green yellor black brown blue pink WITE WITE WITE Yes Wite An Remember That Retrival We Talked About Thats The Thing That Vares Mostly They Hit It As Quikly As Posabuly The Line Istn Tight ,Yet You See It Move Backwards You Dont Feal It You See The Line Go In Revirse Thats Her Inhalin The Fly Some Times You See Them Run Up To The Surface An Hit It An Its Not Fell 6 Inches You know There In There Hot Then An By The Way I Cut The Feathers Of My Fly Jus Behind The Hook An Kind Of Looks Like A Gupy Boy They Must Hate Gupys Well Like I Said Thangs Change Now The Key Is Jus Being The First One There Out Of The Mases That Come An I Have Allways Shown Them All I Know For I Know What It Was Like When It Was Jus Those 3 Other Guys You Could Look Down In The Creek An See Them A Cuple 100 Strong Sittin There Not Going Forwawds Nor Backwards The Whole School Movein Back An Forth With The Current As If One Indavidul.Hope To See You At The Creek This Year. Froger Findum Fishum Falayum Fryum Fergitum Till Sunrise Tomarow.

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Trying to learn to crappie fish - by idahopanfish - 05-29-2007, 07:06 PM
Re: [idahopanfish] Trying to learn to crappie fish - by froger - 02-07-2009, 02:26 AM
RE: Trying to learn to crappie fish - by SenkoSam - 03-06-2024, 09:08 PM

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