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anyone want to talk about willard fishing?!?!?!
I heard a rumor from a person working on the dike repair that the State is going to try to fill Willard to capacity if there is enough runoff. This is just a rumor that I heard and I sincerely hope it is true. Willard sure needs it. If you want to have success on Willard in the summer, you should troll crankbaits at a fairly good clip. I like to run two Rattlin Raps out and one walleye crank at the same time. You will find that you can pick up the suspended walleye while trolling for Wipers. I would use either eight or ten pound test and set the drag a little light when trolling as wipers hit like a freight train. As long as you do your part in playing the fish they have no cover to break you off on. The hardest part when trolling with eight pound is getting a good hookset, they will usually do a good job all by themselfs on the strike but with a lighter drag setting sometimes it can be a bit frustrating when halfway through the fight they come unbuttoned. Keep your hooks sharp and enjoy the great fight they put up and the quality table fare they offer. Willard is one of my favorite places to fish in the summer. I wish you well in your fishing endeavors. Sincerely John R.

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Re: [newfisherman14] anyone want to talk about willard fishing?!?!?! - by Johnr - 02-14-2009, 02:25 AM

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