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HB 187 committee meeting
Well the bill went through, 10 to 4,
Rep. Roger E. Barrus, Chair - Against us
Rep. John G. Mathis, Vice Chair - Against us
Rep. Melvin R. Brown - Against us
Rep. Brad L. Dee - With us
Rep. Jack R. Draxler - Against us ---- rolled on us; his (2) rivers are now on the "list"
Rep. Kerry W. Gibson – Against us
Rep. James R. Gowans -Against us
Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson -Against us
Rep. Michael E. Noel - Against us
Rep. Patrick Painter - Against us--- switched was Fence
Rep. Phil Riesen - With us
Rep. Christine F. Watkins - With us
Rep. Ryan D. Wilcox - With Us

Rep. Bradley A. Winn - Against us
There was an amendment made to the 500 foot rule it was changed to 150 ft or within sight whichever is closest.
I suggest looking at the list of Reps and if they are yours letting them know what you think. From now until re-election time I think their actions and decisions should be made known to the general public NOT JUST THOSE CONCERNED ON THIS ISSUE. This is more than a right to public access, its about constitutional rights given us by the Constitution of State of Utah, if this can be taken away, then so can anything else.We dont have many allies in this the UAC and Blue River Advisory council and TU had nothiing of value to add, SFW hasn't been heard of and the DWR well, you know.

Messages In This Thread
HB 187 committee meeting - by orvy - 02-21-2009, 02:57 PM
Re: [orvy] HB 187 committee meeting - by Troll - 02-21-2009, 03:22 PM
Re: [Troll] HB 187 committee meeting - by orvy - 02-21-2009, 03:35 PM
Re: [orvy] HB 187 committee meeting - by Troll - 02-21-2009, 04:08 PM
Re: [Troll] HB 187 committee meeting - by dubob - 02-21-2009, 05:34 PM
Re: [dubob] HB 187 committee meeting - by TS30 - 02-21-2009, 06:01 PM
Re: [TS30] HB 187 committee meeting - by bassbugn - 02-21-2009, 10:27 PM
Re: [bassbugn] HB 187 committee meeting - by orvy - 02-22-2009, 05:01 AM

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