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Wipers just want to play
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Hit Willard this evening with Fish-N-Fool. Now is the time to put in your journals that the wipers are on. FNF and I hit the water at about 5:30 and trolled a lot of area through out the evening. Water temps were about 71 degrees. His fish finder was showing tons of fish along the east side near the feed lot. But we didn't get any hits till we left that area and headed out to deeper water. The we each picked up two small wipers. Later on down north of the light poll, I landed a very nice 4.75 pounder ... fought very hard for a long time when it got next to the boat. Then FNF picked up a 3.5 pounder. That was it till we got up around the island and we both lost several hits. Caught the big one on a Strike King pearl white diamond shad lipless crank bait. The little ones came in on small Walleye divers. And FNF's large one came in on a gray back white belly bleeding shad lipless rattle trap crank bait.[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Decided to try out the new fish cleaning station. OH ... MY ........ GAD those mosquitoes were BAD!!!!! My advise: use rubber gloves to protect you from the fish stink AND the mosquitoes, 99 cent head nets from Smith and Eddies, and a long sleeve shirt. Man, if the West Nile virus is in Utah, I've got it![/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]While at the fish cleaning station cleaning my 2 fish, a guy came up with 10! He and his partner had caught them all since 6:30 PM. Said he had 2 break lines when they hit! They had fished back and forth in front of the feed lot using white grubs and chartreuse grubs. I think I'll give that a try Thursday night. When FNF and I passed through that area, we seen tons of fish on the finder. In fact, we thought that maybe the finder was not acting right. Why didn't we catch any there? Beats me ... unless it's because we were pulling crank bait rather than grubs.[/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2]Man the evening was nice ... comfortable temps, slight breeze, sun going down over the mountains, and fish at the end of the line. Not to mention, FNF was a very enjoyable fishing partner and I hope others get a chance to enjoy some time on the water with him. Tonight was a first for him but that's a story I'll let him write about.[/size][/font]

Messages In This Thread
Wipers just want to play - by Old_Coot - 06-04-2003, 05:29 AM
Re: [Old_Coot] Wipers just want to play - by MGB - 06-04-2003, 11:36 AM
Re: [Old_Coot] Wipers just want to play - by Xman - 06-05-2003, 04:03 AM

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