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Much to my regret-another view on HB187
When I review HB187 I try to see it from both point of views Yes I see the view from the Landowner not wanting to deal with the public. And Yes there is a small majority that will muck up the land. This small majority needs to be dealt with Ive been on the stance to have these people cited or arrested I know I sounds extreme but if were going to co-exsist there needs to be a so call give and take relationship. HB187 is really a restriction on were one can fish Private or not these rivers were put here by mother nature and restricting ones rights has never gone over well in the past. I understand your saying its a hassle from a landowner to police his land outside of his responsibilities but HB187 or not policing one's lands is part of owning land. The real issue should be concentrating on citing or arresting the small majority of lawbreakers who ruin it for everyone. We can do this by reporting poaching, littering ect ect.

I know it seems like there not enough enforcement to chase down every incident but do you really think the small majority thats breaking these laws is really going to adhere to HB187 its the guy\gals who abide by the law who are going to be penalized.

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Re: [Leaky33] Much to my regret-another view on HB187 - by sinergy - 02-27-2009, 04:57 AM

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