03-09-2009, 03:13 AM
Oh yeah man, I hear you. I target em too on occasion. They are something I like to catch on a cane pole. Last summer when I was first together with my girlfriend we'd throw a catfish line out and let it sit, and then crappie fish while we waited for a bite. We'd catch little half pound largemouth bass on the cane poles, and that's when I first decided I wanted to try bass fishing. I did ok last year, and this year I'm targeting my first 5lb bass. Of course I'm going to be fine and dandy with anything over a pound haha. I'll be fishing in the river more this year though, I didn't do that really at all last year. Why go to the river when I have a beautiful girlfriend to fish with in our own private pond? This year though, the big fish are in the river, so I'll be hitting it more this year. [fishin]