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Huntington & Electric Lake --3/19/09
Was planning on fishing Friday, but kastmaster sent me a PM asking if I wanted to fish for only the PM on Thursday. I agreed to give it a go and we headed for Huntington. I didn't have expectations of a great trip, because I have almost always done best down there and most other places by arriving at first light and have found that the fishing gets slower as the day progresses. We arrived to find that we had the whole reservoir to ourselves. The walk out was a little challenging (especially for George -- my size 12 shoes helped keep me on top of the deep snow a little better). I dropped my first line at 2:40 PM. Marked lots of fish but no takers. We could get them to follow our jigs but could not get them to bite. Tried tipping with minnow, crawler, waxies and mealworms. George finally got a few bites on crawlers and landed two tiger trout. In almost two hours of fishing I never got a bite.

Packed up and headed to Electric Lake. I would have preferred walking across the top of the dam and then down to the ice, but all of the snow has melted off of the top of the dam and I wasn't excited about dragging my sled across mud, gravel and some dried grass for that distance, so we headed down the corner of the dam. That was a major challenge with the deep snow, large rocks and steep dam. Coming back up it was even more difficult. I carried the power auger up and then George tied a rope onto my sled and we pulled it up. We saw few fish on the finders and only got a few bites for our efforts. We each landed one cutt. The water looked milky, apparently from clouded runoff, which I don't believe helped.

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Huntington & Electric Lake --3/19/09 - by kentofnsl - 03-20-2009, 01:32 PM

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