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Strawberry 3/19-3/20
Just got back from Strawberry and it was HOT. Caught about 15 cuts each days. Started out Thursday bright and early over by where the old dam was. Pretty consistent all day. Ice was about 16" thick. Frozen on top. Stayed that way all day. Ice is still plenty good. Took two snow mobiles out to where we fished. Used jigs tipped with meal worms and they loved it.

Arrived Friday( this morning) about 7:00am. Was going to fish Chicken creek but when we arrived found out the road was not plowed. So we headed over to the marina and decided to fish there. Walked out south about 200 yards and punched about 10 holes. Nothing on the Vexilar for about half an hour then...BAM! Fish everywhere. Caught fish about non stop for 2 hours or so and they were all just under the 22" slot. Weather couldn't have been better. Two wonderful days with great friends at Strawberry. [laugh]

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Strawberry 3/19-3/20 - by FishinFool53 - 03-20-2009, 11:15 PM

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