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East Canyon road open?
Unless you have information i don't, reading the ruling of the supreme courdoes not verify or explain your post. Please get me a copy of your findings. The ruling didn't mention "high water mark" or "club waters" or anything else along that line. It did mention "lawfull" activities and in my memory it was all about public access. A fishing "Club" is in my mind no different th a private landowner and just that regulated by the mentioned ruling. It is all about respect, i have met many Landowners fully unaware of the ruling (that i carry a copy off in my vest) and shared it with a couple. I have yet to get or be disrespected but i inturn respect the land where i 'm at. Just cause i don't pad the pockets of clubs does it mean i can't fish that strech. Just be sure of your access and exit and respect the landowner and you'll be fine.

If i'm wrong "please" provide a correction..Thanks

Messages In This Thread
East Canyon road open? - by Weekend_Warrior - 03-24-2009, 03:35 AM
Re: [Troll] East Canyon road open? - by Topehaw - 03-25-2009, 05:41 PM
Re: [Troll] East Canyon road open? - by riverdog - 03-25-2009, 09:43 PM

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