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Buying a drop-shot rod
The one I have is the Kistler 6'9" magnesium TS (ML). I have found it to be outstanding for what I do. It is quite sensitive, but delivers quite a lot of power for hooksets and for fighting big fish. I tend to fish in a bit shallower water than Tome and some others so I don't usually need to use heavy weights with it. I do use something different for most of my split shot and texas rig fishing, although it has been adequate for that too. It proved to be very good up at the 'Berry vertically jigging cutts also.

What you may want to do is go to Cabelas and handle several of the suggested rods. See which one feels best FOR YOU and get that one. It sounds like you are in the ballpark cost wise to get a decent rod regardless of what you pick.

For jigging/dropshotting line, I use P-line flouroclear (flourocarbon coated coploymer). All of the benefits of straight flouro, but it handles and casts much better. (costs less too)

Messages In This Thread
Buying a drop-shot rod - by trollboy8 - 03-30-2009, 07:35 PM
Re: [trollboy8] Buying a drop-shot rod - by doggonefishin - 03-31-2009, 04:07 AM

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