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Salas 7X lite Jigs

Hi there Fishslayer,

I saw a post that was reporting on a recent trip just a little south of the border on another board and they were talking about favorite iron and colors used in trolling for Albacore.

They mentioned two colors. One color was either a black on white or white on black spatter pattern and they called it 'Bird %$#@'. They also had a color combo I haven't heard of before called something like Philetus or Phy.... something or other. No idea what the color of that one was!

Do you know the name of and the color I'm trying to relate? Heard of any other new color combinations being given names? Have you tried the new 544 surface jigs yet?


Messages In This Thread
Salas 7X lite Jigs - by dh_tubinaaron - 06-03-2003, 02:24 AM
Re: [Fishslayer] Salas 7X lite Jigs - by JapanRon - 06-12-2003, 04:51 AM
Re: [JapanRon] Salas 7X lite Jigs - by Fishslayer - 06-15-2003, 05:10 AM

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