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Willard - Win Some, Lose Some
[cool][#0000ff]I was using a tandem rig, with two plastics. One was a 2 1/2" Freshwater Basics pearl sparkle, with a 1/8 oz. head. The bottom jig was a 2" white Maniac Minnow on a different 1/16 oz. head. I caught the first walleye on the tube, while maintaining a slow steady retrieve, just off the bottom. I got the wiper on the Maniac minnow, while hopping it up off the bottom with rod tip action on the retrieve.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Generally, I keep mixing up the retrieves until I find what the fish want. Some days they are less active and will slurp in a slow steady retrieve. Other days they smack the lures better when they have some action to them. And, on the same day I sometimes catch fish on several different retrieves. I let the fish choose what they want.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as the crankbaits, I usually just reel them in fast enough to maintain a visible wiggle on the end of the rod...keeping them as close to the bottom as possible. But, on some occasions, I let the weight pull the crank down to the bottom, then lift and retrieve a few feet before stopping and letting it settle again. I have had quite a few strikes on the Carolina rigged crankbaits while they are floating back up after stopping the retrieve. You need to pay attention and be prepared to set the hook if you feel something when you shouldn't.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now, all that was for walleyes. For wipers, I have found that if they are active you can't reel fast enough to get it away from them if they want it. One of my most effective techniques, to wake up lazy wipers...suspending off the to cast out the tandem jig rig, let it settle to the bottom and then reel it briskly up through the water column...through the fish. After a few of these waker-uppers you will get some bumps, from tentative fish. You have to keep your wrist cocked and not strike at every bump. But, when one finally takes it, while you are reeling, the rod tip will load up with weight and then you pop them. Once you hook a couple, the others seem to wake up and smack the jigs harder...and you have to take one of the jigs off or you hook doubles. Two wipers at a time on my 6 pound line usually spells double trouble.[/#0000ff]

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Willard - Win Some, Lose Some - by TubeDude - 04-08-2009, 12:23 AM
Re: [catfish-logic] Willard - Win Some, Lose Some - by TubeDude - 04-09-2009, 07:00 PM

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