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Fishing Astro/Lunar Tables (Best Times To Fish?
I've never really understood the tables, but I do like to know how the fishing will be, according to them. I have had a number of fishing trips that seem to have followed the tables very closely.

However, as a fly fisherman of about 15 years, I have also come to the conclusion that there are always fish eating. It's just a matter of figuring it out. Trying to find something that works. This is one of the challenges that I look forward to as a fly fisherman who grew up throwing spinners. As a spin fisherman, if fish aren't taking them, you're in for a long day. As a fly fisherman, you have many options to chose from. Don't get me wrong, I've had slower days, but I think those days could be caused by any number of reasons. Not just the moon. Water clarity, water heights, pressure, etc.

So, do I pay attention to the tables, YES! Do I plan my next trip to Montana around what they say, NO WAY! And I've never been disappointed. Not fly fishing at least. But that's just me.

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Re: [OAK_CREEK_KID] Fishing Astro/Lunar Tables (Best Times To Fish? - by fish_on75 - 04-13-2009, 03:21 PM

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