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best fly rod for smaller fish
[#008000]The difference between my Sage and my Griggs is like night and day - at least as far as casting goes. [/#008000]
[#008000]Another rod that I have just came to mind. It's more of an in between the Sage and Griggs (price and quality wise) - It's a sweet little fairly inexpensive 7'6" Reddington 3 weight that is a 5 piece. It's an older one that was made before Reddington was bought out by Sage and it casts pretty nice while still being small enough to negotiate tighter spots in the streams that have a lot of cover. [/#008000]
[#008000]When I brought up the rigors of backpacking with a rod, I was more refering to the actual fishing in tighter spots with a lot of brush and overhead foliage to avoid when navigating the waters. [/#008000]
[#008000]Typically, my rods are safe while in my backpack and out of harm's way of the hounds and me. [/#008000]

Messages In This Thread
best fly rod for smaller fish - by fishboy2 - 04-26-2009, 11:13 PM
Re: [fishboy2] best fly rod for smaller fish - by Fishhound - 04-27-2009, 05:45 PM

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