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Invasive species fund boat stickers required
Anybody who wants to launch a boat in Idaho waters will have to buy an Idaho Invasive Species Fund sticker.

A new state law requires the owner of any boat and any non-motorized vessel - canoe, kayak, raft, drift boat etc. - to buy and display an Idaho Invasive Species Fund sticker to legally launch and operate the boat in Idaho.

Only inflatable, non-motorized vessels less than 10 feet long are exempt.

The sticker and fee are in addition to any annual boat registration fees already paid.

Stickers cost $10 for motorized vessels registered in Idaho, $20 for out-of-state motorized vessels, and $5 for non-motorized vessels. Discounts for non-motorized commercial fleets are available.

The fees generated from the sale of stickers will fund vessel inspections, washing stations and informational materials that will help Idaho prevent the introduction of aquatic invasive species, such as quagga mussels.

Stickers can be ordered by mail, using a downloadable form available at Mail completed forms, with a check payable to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, to: IDPR Registration Unit, P.O. Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0065. Please allow seven days for processing.

Stickers also are available online at; a service charge is added to online transactions. For questions about sticker purchases, contact the Idaho Parks and Recreation registration help line at: 1-800-247-6332.

To prevent the spread of invasive species all boaters should:

Inspect all exposed surfaces - small mussels feel like sandpaper.

Wash the boat thoroughly with high pressure or hot water.

Remove all plant and animal material.

Drain all water and dry all areas.

Dispose of all bait.

Wait five days and keep boat dry between launches.

The Idaho Department of Agriculture is responsible for management of the Idaho Invasive Species Fund program.


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Invasive species fund boat stickers required - by FishNews - 05-01-2009, 11:10 AM

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