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Southerncats, Wheeler, Cats 7 HOF'rs, 5/1/09 & 5/2/09, John, Pete, Moose, Tim, Mike
I had this trip scheduled for several months now and these gentlemen flew down from Wisconsin (No Pressure).....I was worried because the current has been so slow and I haven't been able to get out much at all lately....oh and the weather it looked very grim indeed....I had a group of five so we split it up into two groups and fished a morning shift (John and Pete) and afternoon shift (Moose, Mike, and Tim).<br /><br />Friday morning as we hit the ramp it was coming a monsoon, so we opted to sit it out for awhile.....It let up after about an hour so we got rain geared up and we made our first anchor which quickly yielded a 17 pounder.....the rain set in hard and some distant lightning so we called off first shift early......we took a break and hit the water about 2 P.M. the weather was finally cooperating and Mike struck first with a 40 lb Blue, then it was his Dad's turn Moose he landed the big fish of the day at 57 lbs.....It took awhile but we got Tim one as well at 32 lbs the weather was acting up again (tornado warnings) so we called it quits for the day.<br /><br />Saturday was a much nicer day with only a few soakings.....John and Pete on first shift regained the lead with 5 cats at 60,45,35,16, and 8 lbs.....The rain had risen the water about a foot and the current was just right about 40k....John got the big 60 lber around 11:15 and we called it quits, so I had high hopes for round two and boy was we in for a treat........I found something on the sidescan marked it and within 5 minutes we had a 59 and 53 double in the boat, we caught two more there at 25 and 29 lbs.....we ran down river and caught a 5 lber but the rain chased us back up river where we got a 13 lber....Were down to the last stop now and the rod goes down big after a nice battle Tim had a big beatiful 84 lb Blue in the boat.<br /><br />Total weight was 595 lbs for the two days......we would have had a nice sack on Saturday if we were able to fish in the bass pro tourney, probably would have gave jbridges a run for his were all caught off anchor in 20-35ft of water on guess what?.....skipjack.......of course we were using Team Catfish 8/0 double action hooks, #6 Sinker Slides, and Sinker Bumpers......wish I could have broke in my new CatfishSafari fishing rods but the Fed-Ex man got lost and they didn't get here till Sat.

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Southerncats, Wheeler, Cats 7 HOF'rs, 5/1/09 & 5/2/09, John, Pete, Moose, Tim, Mike - by FishNews - 05-04-2009, 09:00 AM

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