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drumking, chickamauga, mixed bag, 5/5/09, Phillip Gawthrop
Dr Phillip finally had a couple of hours that he could fish today, so I took him in search of panfish. We used panfish assassins and for the two hours that he was able to fish, we did ok. We caught a few small shellcrackers, 23 bluegills, 1 yellow perch, 1 keeper crappie, and 1 small Jmax pet. (LM bass) Water temp was 70.4 when I quit fishing. The wind got up and I got tired, so I just came on home and cleaned fish. The bite was good early and just about died during mid-day. I quit fishing at 1:00 pm. emoBigSmile emoGeezer<br /><br />I even tried a little bit of top water bass fishing in one particular cove upriver. I had never been to this place before, and it looked like there might be a bass hanging around all the cover, so I threw a pop-R plug. My shoulder started hurting on the 2nd cast, so I made about 5 or 6 more casts, with the shoulder hurting more each time and gave that up. That was just a reminder of why I quit bass fishing. Probably need the shoulder scoped, but it's ok when I just use ultralights most of the time. emoUpSmile<br /><br />Nearing the 1/2 of the year so I thought that I would give totals that me and partners have caught this year. 1314 crappie, and 2050 total all fish. It's been good so far.

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drumking, chickamauga, mixed bag, 5/5/09, Phillip Gawthrop - by FishNews - 05-07-2009, 09:00 AM

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