05-12-2009, 11:58 AM
Clif we arent like most tournaments. We arent like most clubs.
I want our tournaments to stay the same that they are right now cause its more like a bunch of buddies out there fishing and throwing money in a hat than a tournament. Tournaments get ugly in your world. I dont want that.
If you are out fishing with your buddy and he wants to eat some walleye that he caught are you going to cry then too? Is state law going to prevent him from taking them home?
And like I stated before 97 percent of the fish caught during this particular tounament went back in the drink. Thats considerably less than if these were all a bunch of friends out fishing for the day. Most chucked them back in BECAUSE of the tournament. I know for a fact that guys had been pulling eyes to eat all week long. I'm not ashamed to say that for the tournament they did the exact opposite. I'm proud of them. And they aught to be rpoud too.
I want our tournaments to stay the same that they are right now cause its more like a bunch of buddies out there fishing and throwing money in a hat than a tournament. Tournaments get ugly in your world. I dont want that.
If you are out fishing with your buddy and he wants to eat some walleye that he caught are you going to cry then too? Is state law going to prevent him from taking them home?
And like I stated before 97 percent of the fish caught during this particular tounament went back in the drink. Thats considerably less than if these were all a bunch of friends out fishing for the day. Most chucked them back in BECAUSE of the tournament. I know for a fact that guys had been pulling eyes to eat all week long. I'm not ashamed to say that for the tournament they did the exact opposite. I'm proud of them. And they aught to be rpoud too.