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Powell Report 5/7 - 5/11
We were there in 2007 as well and the year before that. Pretty well we would fish for bass all day and then just before leaving we would go ahead and fill the cooler with stripers--like was just part of the procedure
1. Launch boat
2. Go fishing.
3. Lunch
4. Go fishing
5. Decide to get off the water
6. Fill cooler with stripers
7. Put boat on trailer and drain water
It was that easy to catch stripers. Was hoping to get some for the freezer this year, but looks like that might not happen. Wayne Gustaveson did post a new report today saying that some stripers are being caught on anchovies in the usual spots in the South lake. We'll see what happens.

Messages In This Thread
Powell Report 5/7 - 5/11 - by Catatafish - 05-12-2009, 06:23 PM
Re: [Catatafish] Powell Report 5/7 - 5/11 - by trollboy8 - 05-12-2009, 09:11 PM

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