05-14-2009, 02:53 PM
"I realize that tournaments arent done pro-bono. We arent your every day tournaments though. I want every penny possible going back to the winners who deserve it."
[#6000bf]That is a great attitude ratstar, one lacking is most conservation organizations. You will never make everyone happy, regardless of what you do. [/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Like another poster suggested, you still ought to take a percentage for your self to cover all the costs associated with running the tournament. [/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Although I am not a walleye [/#6000bf][#6000bf]fisherman, I have read this thread with interest and am thinking about giving Starvation a try one day.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Keep up the good work!! [/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]That is a great attitude ratstar, one lacking is most conservation organizations. You will never make everyone happy, regardless of what you do. [/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Like another poster suggested, you still ought to take a percentage for your self to cover all the costs associated with running the tournament. [/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Although I am not a walleye [/#6000bf][#6000bf]fisherman, I have read this thread with interest and am thinking about giving Starvation a try one day.[/#6000bf]
[#6000bf]Keep up the good work!! [/#6000bf]