05-16-2009, 06:28 AM
Hey you guys are lucky at least you can post to each other over here I am all alone on NJ board even the other mod doesn't post anything its lonely at the top can ya tell how board I am I think I am gonna tell the doctor to bite me and gonna try some sea bass fishing next week they aren't to heavy and shouldn't put a strain on me just have to hope a nice cod doesn't bite or a cow striper I'm feeling better still some pain but I have to do something before I go completely nutz this sitting around recouperating crap is driving me up the wall can't go back to work until july doctor says maybe longer but I think I might be ok enough to go back by then I just found out they had to remove all my guts to get to the anuerism then they just flop them back in and leave them to find their way back in place now I understand why my inards feel so weird oh well rambled on enough stop by the NJ board and say howdy sometime