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What the HAIL is up with Strawberry ??
[cool][#0000ff]We can always guess at a million reasons why fish do or don't cooperate. Strawberry is no different than any other lake in that there are annual cycles. If you hit it right, you are blessed with lots of action and fool yourself into believing you finally got it figured out...until the next trip when you eat humble pie.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My best guess is that it is MIDGE TIME. This is when the buffalo midges hatch by the bajillions and the fish slurp up big mouthfuls of both the larvae and adults. Full tummies of easy pickins has typically put a big slowdown on the troutin' for a while. Many of the old timers find a different place to be for a while.[/#0000ff]

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Re: [LuvThemCuts] What the HAIL is up with Strawberry ?? - by TubeDude - 05-27-2009, 07:45 PM

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