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f&g wants comments on bear lake management plan
Idaho Fish and Game managers are seeking comments on a proposed fishery management plan for Bear Lake.

The 2009-2013 Bear Lake Fisheries Management Plan is a joint effort by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. The two agencies share management authority for the fisheries of Bear Lake and cooperated in the development of this management plan.

The plan outlines goals and objectives for sport fishing and conservation goals for endemic and native fish populations.

Management goals in this plan have been presented to interested anglers in the Bear Lake area for guidance on general direction of the plan. Fish and Game wants to solicit public comment on the proposed plan before seeking formal approval by the commission.

Bear Lake has four endemic fish species: Bear Lake whitefish, Bonneville whitefish, Bonneville cisco and Bear Lake sculpin. The plan lays out a cooperative approach between the two states to manage these species, and the primary sport fish of the lake, the Bonneville cutthroat trout.

The 70,000 acre Bear Lake, in the southeast corner of Idaho, straddles the Utah-Idaho border, which roughly bisects the 20-mile long lake.

An electronic version of the plan is available for review and comment on the Fish and Game Web site at

Copies of the plan can be obtained by contacting Scott Grunder, Native Species Coordinator, at 208-287-2774.

Send written comments to Bear Lake Comments, c/o Idaho Fish and Game, 1345 Barton Road, Pocatello ID 83204.

All comments are due by June 19.


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f&g wants comments on bear lake management plan - by FishNews - 05-28-2009, 11:10 AM

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