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Quaggas and Zebra Here to Stay

[pirate] Just another angle on the spread of these muscles that I haven't heard anyone mention. I recently fished in a tournament with a guy from a state that that has a large population of these muscles in their waters. He told me that after each cast he has to clean the muscles of of his jig. Just dragging something on the bottom of the lake will cause them to grab on and not let go. With that being the case, how many Pelicans would it take to spread these with out any help from anglers. What irritates me the most is that we will be blamed when they show up in the rest of our lakes.

Messages In This Thread
Quaggas and Zebra Here to Stay - by born2fish - 06-10-2009, 10:03 PM
Re: [born2fish] Quaggas and Zebra Here to Stay - by wackmaster - 06-13-2009, 11:10 PM

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